We Work With A National Network Of Lenders To Get Your Business The Funding It Needs
Blusteel Capital Solutions

For business owners, your ability to access funds quickly is paramount to keeping business moving. But doesn’t fast funding always mean high cost of capital? Sometimes, yes, but as many of our team members who have worked in the military know, slow is smooth, smooth is fast, and fast is deadly. With our approach, we cross the “t”s and dot the “i”s so that whatever funding you are seeking, from hard money and asset-based quick closing loans to SBA backed funds that may take up to 45 days to close, make it through with the fewest bumps in the road so you get the funds you need on the timeline that is expected. Our service and focus make your loan journey cost effective, smooth, and successful.
CRE Loans
Commercial Real Estate financing includes many loan products, all under one roof. Bridge funding helps businesses get into a property fast while property improvement hard money facilitates increases in DSCR driven sectors. For developers, we are able to source construction financing, and for all commercial property sectors, we help to refinance short-term financing into permanent loans.
Working Capital
Every business needs ready access to capital in order to buy goods, supplies and raw materials as well as to pay bills like utilities, payroll, and rent or property taxes. For businesses that have significant value tied up in fixed assets, cash flow can become a challenge. Bluesteel Capital Solutions has a number of options based on your business scenario to help you open up access to cash, accelerate the velocity of money, and increase the financial flexibility of your business.
Get access to funds at the right rate. Whether you are seeking low monthly cost, low cost of money, variable rates that ebb and flow with the market, or a revolving line of credit with flexible repayment options. We match available funding to your goals so you get the right rates and terms to support your business goals and objectives.
Bluesteel Capital Solutions remains client focused throughout our work together. We work on your behalf to source the right loan types and the right loan terms to help your business grow and thrive. Our internal process is written as a simple formula that all of our team members can follow
drive + determination + dedication = success
11844 Bandera Road, Suite 520
Helotes, TX 78023